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2015-3-18 14:06| 查看: 1067| 评论: 0

2015-03-18 14:06 来源于:网络

Warmth and Sucrose Eases Newborn Pain


Healthy newborns undergo several minor painful procedures such as heel sticks, blood draws and immunizations. Past research has shown that sucrose can help ease the pain experienced during these procedures. A new study, “Sucrose and Warmth for Analgesia in Healthy Newborns:An RCT,” from the March 2015 issue of Pediatrics (published online Feb. 16) .The authors found that newborns given sucrose as well as provided with radiant warmth cried and grimaced for 50 percent less time than the sucrose group alone. They also had lower heart rates and heart rate variability. The authors point out the radiant warmth is readily-available in the newborn nursery and that simply using warmth, along with sucrose, can significantly ease infant pain resulting from minor procedures. 



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