作者 | GCCC 来源 | 广州泰和肿瘤医院订阅号
2019 年 6 月 14 日下午, MD 安德森癌症中心网络项目与运营执行总监 Dr. Cynthia Powers 在我院筹建办公室,通过现场会议联动线上会议,与来自中山大学孙逸仙医院、中山大学肿瘤防治中心、广州医科大学附属肿瘤医院、福建省肿瘤医院及泰和诚控股美中嘉和医院管理集团旗下北京质子治疗中心、上海美中嘉和肿瘤门诊部、大同美中嘉和肿瘤医院等多家医院近 100 名护理人员进行了 MD 安德森癌症中心护理经验分享。
Guangzhou Concord Cancer Center (GCCC) was pleased to have invited Dr. Cynthia Powers, Executive Director of Projects & Operations for MD Anderson Cancer Network®, a program of MD Anderson Cancer Center, to share a talk on MD Anderson’s oncology nursing practice on the afternoon of June 14 at GCCC’s city office. The said event welcomed a participation of nearly a hundred participants onsite and online, including nurses, medical professionals and healthcare administrators from Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital, Cancer Center of Guangzhou Medical University, Fujian Cancer Hospital, and Concord Medical Group.
首先,我院联席院长 Dr. Matthew Callister 致开幕词,并向与会护理人员介绍 Dr. Cynthia Powers。 At the start of the talk, Dr. Matthew Callister, Co-President of GCCC, delivered an opening speech and introduced Dr. Cynthia Powers to the audience.

联席院长 Dr. Matthew Callister 致开幕词
随后,Dr. Powers 从肿瘤护理的重要性、护理理念、多学科肿瘤诊疗与护理模式、MD 安德森护理人员职业发展等方面和大家分享了她在 MD 安德森癌症中心的经验与心得。
During the talk, Dr. Powers shared multiple aspects of the nursing experience at MD Anderson, including the importance of oncology nursing, the nursing philosophy, multidisciplinary oncology care, and nursing career development. 
Dr. Powers 和大家分享她在 MD 安德森癌症中心的经验
Dr. Powers 分享 MD 安德森的护理理念是基于中心的核心价值观——关爱、真诚、探索。肿瘤护理在关注患者疾病管理的同时,还应关注患者罹患肿瘤后所面对的其他问题,如社会心理问题、家庭问题、财务问题等,以帮助患者积极对待疾病。
Dr. Powers discussed MD Anderson’s core values of caring, integrity and discovery are incorporated into nursing care and nursing philosophy. Oncology nursing care focuses on cancer patient management to include psychosocial needs, family, finance, and other to better assist patients during their cancer journey.
MD 安德森癌症中心希望通过持续的护理教育和研究、循证临床实践、以及每一位护理人员的努力,为患者及其家属提供高标准的健康护理模式。为了打造这一模式,MD 安德森癌症中心已经建立起一个现代化、科学化的护理人才教育体系,其教育内容涵盖护理专业技能、沟通技能、发现问题及解决问题技能、财务管理技能等。
MD Anderson hopes to provide patients and their families with a high-quality cancer care through ongoing nursing education and research, evidence-based clinical practices, and the efforts of every caregiver. To achieve this goal, MD Anderson has established a modern and scientific nursing talent cultivation system, mainly focusing on nursing skills, communication skills, abilities to find and solve problems, and financial management skills of nursing staff.
The talk was organized by the Human Resource Department of GCCC, aiming to provide a learning exchange platform for those who are interested in international nursing. A series of other sharing sessions on international oncology care will be held in the future. Keep on following us!

Dr. Cynthia A. Powers, DNP, MS, RN
MD 安德森癌症中心网络项目与运营执行总监
2003 年加入 MD 安德森癌症中心,现今担任中心网络项目与运营执行总监,为美国与境外合作伙伴与认证成员提供质量、安全与效率等方面的指导与监督。在此之前,Dr. Powers 曾担任中心临床运营标准化、项目管理和支持部总监,负责实施临床优化和质量改进项目,以提高临床疗效与患者体验。
Dr. Powers joined MD Anderson Cancer Center in 2003 and currently serves as the Executive Director of Projects & Operations for the Cancer Network, providing quality, efficiency and safety direction and oversight of designated partner and certified member sites in U.S and abroad. Before joining the Cancer Network, Dr. Powers served as MD Anderson’s Clinical Operations Standardization, Projects & Support Director, responsible for clinical transformational projects and quality improvement programs aimed at enhancing clinical and process outcomes, optimizing efficiency, the patient experience, and patient outcomes.